
Sunday, April 24, 2022 - 15:25
Turismo de Vigo

Celebrate the coming of spring with Os Maios

Vigo has its own spring celebration, the Festa dos Maios. According to legend, this ancient festival is celebrated since the beginning of agriculture in the Neolithic period.

This beautiful pagan celebration brings our ancestors’ custom of invoking the gods to ask for good crops to the centuries-old stones ofVigo’s Old Town. The agrarian rite to favour the fertility of the land was carried out through...

Saturday, March 5, 2022 - 19:18
Turismo de Vigo

The days are growing longer and the " Ría " acts as a mirror to brighten the light that floods into every corner. 

The first buds are appearing and the grass is growing again.

The fish are jumping in the bay, enjoying the rich nutrients that are beginning to bloom in the deep ocean waters that flow far into the estuary.

There are more sailing boats in the harbour and more walkers on the shoreline paths.

We are visited...

Thursday, February 10, 2022 - 15:43
Turismo de Vigo

The French writer Jules Verne devoted one of the chapters in 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea to the Bay of Vigo, which bolstered the legend of the treasure of Rande. The author’s popular character Captain Nemo, thanks to his equally famous submarine the Nautilus, was able to salvage the gold that had been lost underwater during the Battle of Rande and use it to pay for his adventures.  


Tuesday, January 4, 2022 - 15:30
Turismo de Vigo

On the evening of the 5th January, at 5pm.,  the Cabalgata de Reyes (lit. The Twelfth Night Procession) takes place in and around the main streets of Vigo. It is a great show for the children, who love to get involved in the fun of happily trying to catch the magic sweets that are thrown out at the crowds from the floats.  

It is said that the Three Wise Men travelled to Bethlehem following a star, to present the baby Jesus with gifts of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh. And today this is why we also give each other gifts at this time...
