Thursday, April 2 2020

Our story began with the coming-and-going of the waves in the Estuary of Vigo, which inspired our mediaeval troubadour, Martín Códax, to compose his beautiful songs. But it was Fate who chose that, in 1914, seven centuries after the songs were composed, a bookseller called Pedro Vindel was to find his poems on a scroll used to cover a copy of Cicero’s De Officiis.
Vigo has become a muse for writers all over the world. From Jules Verne to the latest bestsellers by Domingo Villar, including Otero Pedrayo, Álvaro Cunqueiro and Carlos Casares. Vigo has been a literary stage and source of inspiration for love stories, intrigue, pirate legends and police adventures.
What better tribute to our literature and its writers than to enjoy the pages of Water-Blue Eyes by Domingo Villar at El Puerto, his favourite tavern, read Martín Códax next to the Ondas do Mar de Vigoat the Sea Auditorium of Vigo or simply sit under the poplars on Praza de Compostela to read the poems of Rosalía de Castro.